Our school curriculum aims to inspire and challenge all learners and prepare them for the future. The schools’ aim is to develop a coherent curriculum that builds on young people’s experiences in the primary phase and that helps all young people to become successful learners, confident individuals and responsible citizens.
Chosen Hill School offers a five year curriculum pathway, organised into the Transition and Foundation Phase (Years 7 and 8) and the Pathways Phase (Years 9, 10 and 11). There is a key focus on securing and embedding the key skills of literacy and numeracy in the Foundation phase to provide a strong basis for the move to the GCSE preparation curriculum in Year 9.
The Curriculum helps young people to:
Develop a growth mindset encouraging students to embrace tough challenges, develop intrinsic motivation as well as the skills of collaboration.
Learn in a culture of growth mindset that promotes steady progress and high levels of scholastic achievement and most importantly underpins high levels of achievement beyond a students’ school years into work and into higher education.
Enjoy and be committed to their learning.
Achieve high standards and make excellent progress in qualifications that are recognised and valued by employers.
Enable those not achieving age related expectations to rapidly close the gap and catch up with their peers.
Have and be able to use high quality personal, learning and thinking skills and become independent learners.
Have and be able to use high quality functional skills, including key literacy, numeracy and ICT skills.
Be challenged and stretched to achieve their potential.
Value their learning outside of the curriculum.
Foster strong relationships with local workplaces.
Access to a full range of learning experiences beyond statutory guidelines.
Make informed and appropriate choices at the end of the Foundation Phase, Pathways phase and into the Sixth Form.
Develop personal moral values.
Develop the fundamental British values of democracy, the Rule of Law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs