
The aim of the Pathways Curriculum at Chosen Hill School is to ensure students continue their full time education with a broad and balanced curriculum.  The wide range of subject combinations offered should ensure no future pathway into further education or employment at post-16 is closed to them.

The structure also aims to give a broad range of subjects from which students may choose to accommodate personal strengths, preferences and interests.

All subject specifications must meet the criteria laid down by the Government.  Each school and each Faculty within the School choose the examining board which offers the most appropriate specification in each subject to engage and promote student learning.  Amendments to these specifications occur on a regular basis.

As your child approaches their Pathways Phase and GCSE preparation years, you will begin to think about their future progress and choices.

Our Pathways Phase offers flexibility of choice and personalisation to enable every student to experience success and pursue their career and life aspirations.


Core Currciulum:

  • English Language

  • English Literature

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • Personal Development Curriculum, including CPSHE, core RE, Philosophy and Ethics and Metacognition

  • Physical Education / Games

  • Study Skills and Exam Skills – delivered through the Learning Mentor Programme


Pathways Options:

  • Art and Design – Fine Art, Textiles and 3D

  • Business Studies

  • Enterprise and Marketing

  • Drama

  • BTEC Performing Arts

  • French

  • Food Technology – Hospitality and Catering

  • Geography

  • German

  • Health and Social Care

  • History

  • Music BTEC

  • Physical Education

  • Sport Science

  • Spanish

  • Creative Media

  • Computing

  • Philosophy, Religion and Ethics

  • Photography