Where To Access Support

Where to go to access support in school:

Students are be able to speak with their Learning Mentor and any other member of staff they feel comfortable in talking too.

Other key members of staff are:

Year 7 Lead – Miss Moss: em@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Year 8 Lead – Mrs Wright: pw@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Year 9 Lead – Mr Webb: tw@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Year 10 Lead – Mr Turton: ltr@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Year 11 Lead – Mr Pettifer: jpe@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Year 12 & 13 Lead – Mrs Parsons: jpa@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Senior Progress Coordinator – Mr Day: md@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Senior Progress Coordinator – Mr Hearing: dhr@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Student and Family Welfare Office & DDSL – Mrs Shearman: mjs@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Education Welfare Office – Mrs Davis: hdv@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Inclusion Manager – Mrs Stoneman: ks@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Assistant Headteacher & DDSL - Mrs Chodera: kch@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk

Deputy Headteacher & DSL – Mr Bardgett: jb@chosen-hill.gloucs.sch.uk



Local Chat Helplines

We encourage our students who may find it difficult to talk to someone they know about a mental health concern, to contact a local anonymous, safe, confidential, 1-2-1, support service for young people. The advantage of speaking to a local provision is that if a young person needs to be referred for Mental Health support, YMM and TIC+ will refer to the most suitable Professional Care locally in Gloucestershire.


Young Minds Matter Gloucestershire (YMM) is the Mental Health Support Team working in partnership with Chosen Hill School to provide mental health support for our student population. YMM are piloting a new intervention at Chosen Hill called "YMM Chat". Students can text the number 07480 635723 and will receive a reply from one of the Mental Health Support Team offering free confidential support and advice. More information about YMM Chat can be found here

Useful Websites and Apps



Big White Wall

Commissioned by over 150 organisations globally, they are an online service providing access to millions with anxiety, depression and other common mental health issues.



Samaritans are there, day or night, for anyone who’s struggling to cope, who needs someone to listen without judgement or pressure.

Samaritans is not only for the moment of crisis, they’re taking action to prevent the crisis.

They give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. And they encourage, promote and celebrate those moments of connection between people that can save lives.



Mind provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. They campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding.





PAPYRUS are the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide.

They exist to reduce the number of young people who take their own lives by shattering the stigma around suicide and equipping young people and their communities with the skills to recognise and respond to suicidal behaviour.


Shout UK

Shout is the UK’s first 24/7 text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere. It’s a place to go if you’re struggling to cope and you need immediate help.


Action for Happiness

Action for Happiness helps people take action for a happier and more caring world. Our patron is The Dalai Lama and our members take action to increase wellbeing in their homes, workplaces, schools and local communities.



Mental fitness is all about the good management of good mental health. HeadFIT for Life helps defence people stay mentally fit and on top of their game…at work and at home.


Healthy Minds Innovation

They are committed to bringing the gift of well-being to as many people as possible so that they can do our small part during this crisis.


Prevent Suicide

The Stay Alive app is a suicide prevention resource for the UK, packed full of useful information and tools to help you stay safe in crisis. You can use it if you are having thoughts of suicide or if you are concerned about someone else who may be considering suicide.

In addition to the resources, the app includes a safety plan, customisable reasons for living, and a LifeBox. Here you can store photos and memories that are important to you.

You can also read the strategies for staying safe or explore the tips on how to stay grounded when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Try the guided-breathing exercises, and support your wellness by creating your own interactive Wellness Plan.

The app links you directly to local and national crisis resources, so you won’t need to carry around slips of paper with contact details on – it’s all stored there within the app. If the resource isn’t listed, simply add in your own.



There are a number of apps that can also help you combat mental health and anxiety issues:


Further Information

Smiling Mind

Free programs for children and adults

All content is free

Not for profit organisation

Programs for Adult, child, classroom and workplace

Stress, sleep, attention/concentration, wellbeing, performance, sport, mindful eating

Healthy Minds Innovations

The Healthy Minds Program App is an easy-to-use guide to well-being.

Free app to reduce stress

Meditation and breathing timer

Podcast-style Lessons

Healthy Minds Report

Insight Timer

Lots of free guided meditations.

Can choose topic, e.g. anxiety, stress, sleep

Timer with choice of ambient sounds.


Free trial 2 weeks

Guided meditations on everything from stress to sleep

Over 40 mindfulness exercises for cooking, eating etc.

Short mediations to do any time

Sleep sounds

10 day beginner course

Monthly or annual subscription


7 day free trial then £28.99 per year

Few free activities to try without signing up for free trial

Meditation and relaxation aid to help with sleep


A free to access website including interactive games and discreet positive coaching.

Extra resources available with a sign up cost.


The world’s leading source of performance psychology, well-being and mental health content for the sport community.


Support with Grief:


Further Information

Help Guide

Help Guide is a non-profit mental health and wellness website. Our mission is to provide empowering, evidence-based information that you can use to help yourself and your loved ones.



Guidance and support on Grief after bereavement or loss


Cruse Bereavement Care

Cruse Bereavement Care was founded in 1959 in Richmond upon Thames and is the leading national charity for bereaved people in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Winston’s Wish

Winston’s Wish supports bereaved children, young people, their families, and the professionals who support them.



Other Useful Websites

Young Minds

Beat Eating Disorders



NHS Mental Health and Wellbeing

Mental Health Foundation

Stem4: Supporting Teenage Mental Health

Royal College of Psychiatrists

TIC+ Counselling services in Gloucestershire

Children & Young People’s Services (CAMHS)

On Your Mind Gloucestershire