Comic Relief

Welcome to Comic Relief at Chosen Hill School 2022

We raised a grand total of £1329 during Comic Relief 2021.  With your help we would like to beat that total this year.  Please make any donations via the School Gateway.

We have a number of events happening this week - kicking off with House Badminton on Monday lunchtime.  Please encourage your children to participate or watch the events.  All students who want to watch activities in the Sports Hall, please bring some loose change and pay into the yellow bucket.


Monday, House Badminton, open to all years in the Sports Hall
Tuesday, House Basketball, open to all years in the Sports Hall
Wednesday, Staff House Netball in the Sports Hall
Thursday, Staff V Sixth Form Students 5-a-side football in the Sports Hall
All day event, Cycle the Distance to Ukraine Challenge - Staff V Sixth Form Students, 5 bikes per team throughout the day and we will be tracking their progress throughout the day to see which team will reach Ukraine first.
Red Nose Day Quiz
Sixth Form House Leads will be encouraging students to take part in a Red Nose Day Quiz Hunt.  The questions will appear on Friday 18th March and students will have a week to find and complete the quiz.
Wear Something Red
Non Uniform Day! Staff and Students are encouraged to wear something red, if possible.  To take part, make a minimum £1 donation vial the School Gateway.