School Catering
The catering providers at the school are Aspens.
There is breakfast, break and lunch service with prices ranging from £1 or less to £2.30 for a meal deal.
If your child has any special dietary requirements or allergies, please let the school know as soon as possible. We can arrange for special diets to be catered for.
As an academy, we are not required to comply with the national educational food standards, but the school has made the decision to do so in the interests of encouraging healthy lifestyles in our students.
The 6th form has a dedicated offer with items that will only be available to students in KS5. They will also have a coffee machine in the 6th form study area.
Menus are on a 3 week basis and are changed termly. There are special theme days linked to the curriculum and events in the calendar.
The school operates a biometric system for identification in the canteen. Please see the biometric information and permission letter for more details.
We have an app called Fusion where students can pre-order their lunch up to 3 days in advance. For more information or to request a code to register, please email
If you have any questions about catering in the school, please contact the business manager Mrs D Wardlaw in the first instance on
3 WEEK STREATERIES MENU FEB 2022Special Diets Parent Letter Special Diets FormAspens AppBiometric letter 2021
Biometric Payments in the School Canteen
As you may be aware, we use voluntary automatic biometric recognition systems at the school. This is used currently with teaching and administration systems such as cashless catering and 6th form registration and may be used for printing, access, lockers, and e-registration systems in the future.
We find this provides the school with a number of very significant benefits including:
Reduction in administration time and cost
Reduction in opportunities for bullying as there is nothing that can be stolen for use by another student
Ease of access to services for students and no lost cards or pins to remember
Quicker queueing times for lunch