Welcome to Year 7


You have been allocated a place at Chosen Hill School.

Thank you for choosing us as your next school.  We are really excited to meet you on our Discovery Days on Thursday 7th July and Friday 8th July.

This page will be updated to show lots of information and fun facts about Chosen Hill School and some of the amazing things that we do here.  Keep coming back regularly to see the updated information.

Table Tennis Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons Dungeons & Dragons Italian Club
  Drama Club Repair Shop   PRISM
    ECO Club   Film Club
    Philosophy Club   International Dimension Club
        Girls' Basketball
After School
Homework Club Homework Club Homework Club Homework Club  
  Girls' Netball STEM Club Dungeons & Dragons  
    Girls' Cheerleading    
    Boys' & Girls' Football    


08:25 Warning bell for students
08:30 - 08:55 Registration and Assembly
08:55 - 09:55 Period 1
09:55 - 10:55 Period 2
10:55 - 11:15 Break
11:15 - 12:15 Period 3
12:15 - 13:15 Period 4
13:15 Lunchtime
14:00 Warning bell for students
14:05 - 15:05 Period 5

GREASE, This Year's School Production

This year our Performing Arts department proudly presented GREASE!  Our students and staff worked tirelessly to create, rehearse and present the school production.

We hope that when you join us you will participate in the school productions, whether as a cast member, behind the scenes or technical support, all roles are equally important in bringing together the live performances.