Gap Year


This can be done in the UK or abroad by signing up to conservation projects, healthcare projects or teaching support.


Why not try a range of backpacking experiences or get an InterRail ticket for Europe (look for promotions) or save up for a round the world plane ticket?

Paid Employment

Could be a full time job for six months then travel or a full time job for the year to save for university. If looing to work abroad consider Camp America, ski resorts (ski instructor or ski lift operator or ski chalet cleaner), helping at a backpacker hostel or an outback farm in Australia or grape picking France; the choices are endless!

Work Experience

Consider applying for internships or a Year in Industry (YINI). These options are very competitive so apply early

Part Time Courses/Study Abroad

Try a new experience just for fun or to help you get on another course or job.




Opportunity to have a break from studying and return refreshed.

Can become a distraction for your longer term plans

A productive gap year can be valuable on your CV.

An unstructured year can look bad on your CV. Careful thought and planning is essential.

You could relate the experiences and/or activities from the year to the career or courses you want to follow.

It can be harder to return to study or work after a year-long break.

You can earn money and save towards your HE costs or future plans.

It can be expensive and you can find yourself in a worse financial position at the end.

You will develop maturity if you don’t yet feel ready for HE or work life. For some careers it can be an advantage to be slightly older and have some life experience.

If you don’t get organised , you may spend the year “thinking” about it and end up frustrated that the year has just “passed you by”.