Admission Information




This is a new sentence




Admissions 2022-23

Thank you to everyone who attended our Open Evening on the 23rd September. It was wonderful to see so many of you, and we hope you enjoyed your visit as much as we enjoyed showing you our fantastic school. 

In case you were unable to attend you can view a recording of the Headteachers speech here.

In terms of admissions for 2022, a reminder of some key dates is below. If there is any more information you need, or you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the school at visit the Gloucestershire County Council website.

September 2022 admissions timetable

September 2021 Letters sent out explaining how to apply for school spaces
Sunday 31 October 2021 (midnight) Closing date for school applications
Tuesday 1 March 2022 Allocation day
Tuesday 8 March 2022 (midnight) Closing date to return reply form accepting the school place


Parents/carers whose application has been unsuccessful have the right of appeal to an independent Appeals Panel. Appeals, which should be in writing, should be sent to the school for the attention of the Heads PA. Appeals will be conducted in accordance with the Code of Practice for School Admissions Appeals. Parents/carers, whose appeals have been unsuccessful, may only apply for a further appeal in the same academic year if there has been a significant or material change in their circumstances.

CHS Admission Policy 2022 - Updated Sept 2021


In-year Applications

All applications for places outside of the normal admissions round should be made directly to Chosen Hill School. Applicants should fill in the In Year Application Form on the GCC website or download them from here:

In Year Application Form - PDFIn Year Application Form - Word Document

Please return the completed application form and proof of address to:

Admissions, Chosen Hill School, Brookfield Road, Churchdown, Gloucester. GL3 2PL or by email to

Proof of address

Please send in a copy of your proof of address from an official document. If you are moving house, a copy of proof of completion or rental document.

School Tours

If you would like to book a short tour of the school as an in-year applicant, please email, with your name and address and contact information.

CHS Admission Policy 2021 v2 updated Sept 2021





